- Your donation: 100% life-changing —

Help make dreams come true: Together for a better future

Be part of a movement that makes dreams come true for people who need it the most — your donation gives access to invaluable knowledge


The Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my con­nects donors and lear­ners: Through your dona­ti­on, you beco­me part of a com­mit­ted com­mu­ni­ty that works tog­e­ther to make a las­ting chan­ge in the world.

Your dona­ti­on helps trans­form lives: Dia­mond Mind Academy’s uni­que ACI cour­ses teach the Tibe­tan wis­dom that empowers peo­p­le to rea­li­ze their dreams.

Expe­ri­ence the ful­fill­ment of crea­ting posi­ti­ve chan­ge with others: be one of the first sup­port­ers to pro­mo­te access to life-chan­ging know­ledge and chan­ge people’s lives fore­ver in a posi­ti­ve way.

Dona­ti­on account for the orga­niza­ti­on its­elf:
Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my
IBAN: AT38 1200 0100 3623 6312 | Bank Aus­tria

Donate — and change lives

Tra­di­tio­nal­ly, the tea­chers pass on their know­ledge free of char­ge. But the­re is a lot of work behind every event: trans­la­ting and pre­pa­ring the cour­se mate­ri­als, invi­ting and sup­port­ing poten­ti­al­ly inte­res­ted par­ties, web­site, event rooms, tra­vel expen­ses for the tea­chers, event tech­no­lo­gy, video recor­dings, accom­pany­ing free semi­nars and much more.

 To make regis­tra­ti­on as easy as pos­si­ble for as many peo­p­le as pos­si­ble, we have set the pri­ces low and are try­ing to cover the rest of the cos­ts through dona­ti­ons. Anyo­ne who wants to can make a dona­ti­on in a simp­le way to help more peo­p­le gain access to this oppor­tu­ni­ty for per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment through Tibe­tan wis­dom.

Every dona­ti­on — one-off or regu­lar — helps! Thank you very much.

Dona­ti­on account for the orga­niza­ti­on its­elf:
Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my
IBAN: AT38 1200 0100 3623 6312 | Bank Aus­tria

Supporting donation — the benefits:


Chan­ge the world with your dona­ti­on and sup­port DMA to spread the valuable anci­ent know­ledge of Asia in Ger­man-spea­king count­ries.


Anci­ent wis­dom tea­ches us that we must reco­gni­ze that war, hat­red and dis­cord can never be the solu­ti­on, and that we can only crea­te a peaceful world with com­pas­si­on for others. DMA wants to make this visi­on come true.


Your dona­ti­on is a con­tri­bu­ti­on to a bet­ter world. Be a part of this move­ment and feel the deep gra­ti­tu­de that makes this visi­on pos­si­ble through your gene­ro­si­ty.

Dona­ti­on account for the orga­niza­ti­on its­elf:
Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my
IBAN: AT38 1200 0100 3623 6312 | Bank Aus­tria

Where does the knowledge of the Diamond Mind Academy come from?

The Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my has set its­elf the task of tea­ching the deep wis­dom of Tibet, which has been pas­sed on from tea­cher to stu­dent for over 2,500 years, in the wes­tern world.

The­re are 18 cour­ses and the know­ledge has been taught in its ori­gi­nal form for over 40 gene­ra­ti­ons. The aim is that you ful­fill all your dreams and wis­hes in life! You will work inten­si­ve­ly with your own mind and learn how to use it to rea­li­ze your dreams.

Ever­y­thing you learn in the cour­ses, you should try out for yours­elf and app­ly in your own life. Through stu­dy, you will under­stand how the­se anci­ent wis­doms app­ly to your world today.

The tea­chers at the Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my have been prac­ti­cing the prin­ci­ples for many years and will be hap­py to share their expe­ri­en­ces with you and help you with your chal­lenges at any time.

Diamond Mind

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We are the Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my — the lea­ding pro­vi­der of ACI cour­ses in the Ger­man-spea­king world!

Our cour­ses are not only insightful, but also high­ly enter­tai­ning and offer par­ti­ci­pan­ts the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain the most valuable know­ledge in the world to rea­li­ze their dreams. In 2020, we star­ted with 78 par­ti­ci­pan­ts.

Fast for­ward to 2024, we have expe­ri­en­ced tre­men­dous growth, with 400 par­ti­ci­pan­ts taking part in our cour­ses. During this time we have suc­cessful­ly run 12 cour­ses in 2 cycles. Over the next few years, we aim to reach and posi­tively impact at least 10,000 peo­p­le to ulti­m­ate­ly chan­ge the world for the bet­ter.

To reach our goals for 2025, we need $ 25,000 to host an addi­tio­nal 6 ACI cour­ses. The­se funds will cover essen­ti­al expen­ses such as venue ren­tal cos­ts, mar­ke­ting efforts, and gene­ral orga­niza­tio­nal needs.

We are gra­teful for your gene­ro­si­ty and sup­port to help us rea­li­ze our gre­at visi­on.

Every dona­ti­on, brings us one step clo­ser to making a meaningful dif­fe­rence in the lives of count­less peo­p­le.

Thank you from the bot­tom of our hearts for sup­port­ing the trans­for­ma­ti­ve work of Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my.

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Together for a better future — help make dreams come true!

Dona­te — to chan­ge lives for the bet­ter:

The Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my con­nects donors and lear­ners: Through your dona­ti­on, you beco­me part of a com­mit­ted com­mu­ni­ty working tog­e­ther towards the goal of making a las­ting chan­ge in the world.

Your dona­ti­on helps trans­form lives: Dia­mond Mind Academy’s uni­que ACI cour­ses teach the Tibe­tan wis­dom that empowers peo­p­le to rea­li­ze their dreams.

Expe­ri­ence the ful­fill­ment of crea­ting posi­ti­ve chan­ge with others: Be one of the first sup­port­ers to pro­mo­te access to life-chan­ging know­ledge and trans­form people’s lives fore­ver in a posi­ti­ve way.

Dona­ti­on account for the orga­niza­ti­on its­elf:
Dia­mond Mind Aca­de­my
IBAN: AT38 1200 0100 3623 6312 | Bank Aus­tria

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